This topic describes how you can upload media files, such as images, to the database for displaying with records in the client. There are two ways that you can do this:

Using the Media or MediaSet data type provides better performance than using a BLOB data type and is more flexible in its design. With a BLOB data type, each time the media is rendered in the client, it is retrieved from the SQL database server, which requires extra bandwidth and affects performance. With the Media and MediaSet data types, the client media ID to cache the media data, which in turn improves the response time for rendering the media in the user interface.

Using Media and Media Sets on Records

Table fields support two data types for adding media to records: Media and MediaSet.

  • The Media data type associates a record with a single media file.
    For example, you can use this function to display an image with each record in a list type page.
  • The MediaSet data type associates a record with one or more media files, which lets you set up a collection or catalogue of media for a record.
    For example, you can use this function to set up a slide show of images for a record in a card type page.
Currently, only image types, such as jpeg, png, or gif, are supported. For more information, see Supported Media Types.

With a field set to Media or MediaSet data type, you can add media to the record, either from a file or passed in an InStream object. Media is imported and then stored as objects in the system table 2000000184 Tenant Media of the application database, and each media object is assigned a unique identifier (ID).

  • If a media is added to a Media data type field, the field references the media by its ID.
  • If the media is added to MediaSet data type field, the media file is also assigned to a media set in the system table 2000000183 Tenant Media Set. The media set has a unique identifier, which is referenced from the field. The media set is created with the first file that you add on the record. Any additional media files for the record are then associated with the same media set.

Supported Media Types

The media type, sometimes referred to as the MIME type, is an Internet standard to describe the contents of a file. Internet browsers use the media types to determine how to handle the file. There are several media types, such as image, audio, and video. Currently, Microsoft Dynamics NAV only supports image type, and more specifically, only those image subtypes that are supported by the System.Drawing.Image class of the .NET Framework.

General Guidelines for Adding Media to Records

The general procedure for setting up media on records is as follows:

  1. Obtain the media file or files that you want to use on record.
  2. In the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment, modify the table object to include a field that has the data type Media or MediaSet.
  3. Add C/AL code that imports the media on the field.
    The Media and MediaSet data types support several C/AL functions that you can use to manage the media on records. See the next section for a complete list of functions with a link to more details, such as usage, parameters and sample code.
    For example, you can create a codeunit that calls the one of the import functions, or add page action that calls one of the functions.

C/AL Functions

The following table provides an overview of the C/AL functions that are related to media and media sets.

Data Type Function Description


IMPORTFILE Function (Media)

Sets up an image on a record from a file. The media file is imported to the application database.

IMPORTSTREAM Function (Media)

Sets up an image on a record from an InStream object. The media file is imported to the application database.

HASVALUE Function (Media)

Detects whether a record has a media object in the Media data type field.

MEDIAID Function (Media)

Gets the unique identifier (GUID) that is assigned to the media object in the application database.

EXPORTFILE Function (Media)

Exports a media object that is set up on a record to a file.

EXPORTSTREAM Function (Media)

Exports a media object that is set up on a record to an OutStream object.


IMPORTFILE Function (MediaSet)

Sets up an image on a record from a file and assigns the image to a media set. The media file is imported to the application database.

IMPORTSTREAM Function (MediaSet)

Sets up an image on a record from an InStream object and assigns it to a media set. The media file is imported to the application database.

MEDIAID Function (MediaSet)

Gets the unique identifier (GUID) that is assigned to the media set on a record.

COUNT Function (MediaSet)

Gets the total number of media objects that are included in the media set on a record.


Exports the media objects that included in a media set to individual files.

See Also